Language Learners are much less likely to understand jokes, word play, and cultural references in Answers and Comments. For their benefit, I've started experimenting with being just a little more keen to explain some of my wordplay/obscure jokes for the benefit of Language Learners.
For the benefit of Language Learners, one can occasionally explain (or simply point out) their ancillary word play and jokes via:
- A hyperlink to a reliable web page where more information can be gleaned. (This would be the least intrusive method.)
- A footnote with <sup>1</sup>
- A parenthetical explanation with the text.
- An indicator (no explanation) like <joke> somejoke </joke> OR somejoke [wordplay used].
On the other hand, I sometimes include humor in an initial version of an Answer but I almost inevitably edit it out. In practice, I think this post/idea may apply more to comments.
Used judiciously, this would help Language Learners' comprehension and pique their interest in the jokes, wordplays, and cultural references. My intention for this post is just as a reminder/awareness of this possibility and IMO this idea applies more to than any other stack.