I try to write some scientific text. The sentence I wrote does not sound good to me, and also MS Word gives me this green line to consider the sentence again. In general I don't have any specific question about grammar but I don't know how to correct the sentence or even if it really should be corrected.
Can I post my sentence on ELL and ask:
If it is grammatically correct?
If the sentence is understandable?
If the sentence can be written in a better way?
If this is not appropriate or to narrow, is there any way to get help with the specific sentence?
To be fully clear, the example of the sentence is:
"When the survey platform is moving on the path which is not perpendicular, all three components of the magnetic field (MF) source change together with the boat’s movement. As the platform moves from point P_0 to P_1 by vector m(m^((x)),m^((y)),m^((z))=0), the source of MF moves by projection of the vector m into the vector of the direction of the cable d(d^((x)),d^((y)),d^((z)))."
I found similar question but I'm not sure if the general question about sentences is allowed.