Referring to Alan Carmack's answer.
I do not speak Hindi, but I did take the time to read the answer carefully.
So, in Hindi, 'to be' verb means "होना".
The first Hindi character is clearly the translation of to be.
According to Google translator it also means happen but the verb "to be" is also listed among the options.
The OP then writes
The boys is moving toward ...
The second Hindi word/expression (or character(s) I'm not sure what to call it (apologies for my ignorance)) is का मूव होना
Boys "का मूव होना" is correct but then 'to be' verb should be 'are'.
It looks like either the translation of boys, or is moving, note the use of inverted commas.
Google translator says "का मूव होना" means to be moved Admittedly the meaning of the second expression in Hindi is not crystal clear, but it doesn't really matter. Because then the OP clearly explains that the singular verb does not agree with a plural subject, and supplies the correct answer.
The boys are moving...
It's an easy enough explanation which any English learner can easily grasp.
I would edit and clarify the answer myself, but it would seem I was an interfering busybody.
If anyone wants to go ahead, please make the necessary and very small edit.