Moderators have been asked to nominate content from any Stack Exchange site to be tweeted about from the Stack Exchange Twitter account.
We want to use the Twitter account to draw attention to a bunch of stuff but what we need your help with is:
- Awesome/interesting/fun Questions & Answers
We'll feature a few of these per week and try to make sure that they're representative of a broad collection of our sites. This includes notable meta posts, too - though I'm guessing they'll be infrequent.- Site events/contests
If a site has a regular or one-off event, we may be able to tweet about some of them. Some of y'all do events throughout the year and we'd love to share some of the community-led fun.- Users who do noteworthy work or meet celebratory rep levels
We won't Tweet about anyone without reaching out to them first... but if there's someone you think deserves (and would appreciate) a spotlight on what they've been doing, either on main and/or meta, let us know.
If you have a suggestion for a question, answer or user that should be highlighted by the Stack Exchange twitter account, please suggest it below. Be sure to explain why you think it's noteworthy and interesting, which will help the Stack Exchange team draft the content of the tweet. If the moderation team agrees we will submit it.
My understanding is that the tweets are intended to get people from outside the Stack Exchange network interested in Stack Exchange in general (and ELL specifically) in the same way that Hot Network Questions get people already using the Stack Exchange network interested in ELL.
Did you know that there is also an ELL Twitter account? The ELL account is a bit different because the tweets are from an automated system instead of curated by people. Following the ELL account may be a good way to find content you might not have seen otherwise. Tweets include things like "featured" meta posts, bounties offered, and highly up-voted answers.