I'm a non native speaker and I felt exactly same months back. But then, there's a point I learned.
As a learner, we make all efforts in learning the language. Native speakers simply make us 'remind' that! Said that, did we do any homework? Did we try to check the same question on the internet first and learn the basics?
There are many questions answered by dictionaries and other grammar sites on the Internet; first we need to check those sources, try to learn and if get confused or if we don't understand, natives here are all ready to serve their expertise.
As Alex demonstrated, things are answered on the Internet. If you still have query, come ask here.
In fact, on ELL itself, most of our doubts are made clear. So, it's not just searching the Internet, searching on ELL also helps a lot. You may simply use 'search' option or go through 'tags' if you want to learn things in general.
Reputed English teaching sites like Oxford, Cambridge, BBC come up quite fair on the search engine result pages. Or, in other case, you may simply click on any of these authentic sources in the result for your query.
For example, as a learner, if you are confused about using 'can' or 'could', simply googling it gets you an answer.
The results include British Council website. Click on it and you get the answer!
So, to conclude, it's not bad luck; we are lucky to have natives here. Yes, at times, you may feel that a bit harsh, but that 'harshness' makes you search, learn and be independent!