This is the follow-up of Is This Tag Useful? Episode 1 - The Big Boss (grammar). (i.e. intended to be the community decision on the matter, if people agree with the sentiments of this meta post)
I believe the opposite side has a point, while reaching the wrong conclusion. So I take all of the sides into account. We're going to
- Edit every post with grammar and replace the tag with something actually useful.
- Leave the tag on only one question, so it works as a temporary tag. We should — and hopefully will — edit every new question with a grammar (mis)tag.
It was not terribly clear what tags were meant to be on ELL. Bad tags popped up that wouldn't have so in other SEs. I can count a few possible reasons:
So, over the time, people left grammar alone because why does it hurt to have that tag? However, as explained in my former meta post, it horribly fails the criteria of a good SE tag.
IMO, it will most probably fail. The advantage of clarifying grammar would be that askers on ELL won't be hard-pressed to find a tag for their question. The disadvantage, however, would be that we'd still have a "default" tag for many of the askers. The way grammar is currently being used is precisely the way a hypothetical ell-question would've been (the advice in this answer is imprecise and incorrect and unfortunately definitely not researched).