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5 votes

What should be done if a question is better written, and gets better answers, than a mostly duplicate question?

Quoting former Community Manager @Shog9: If the new question is a better quality question or has better answers, then vote to close the old one as a duplicate of the new one. (source)
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 14.8k
2 votes

Handle duplicate questions from English stackexchange

I am very confused. Why would we want to close a question on EL&U because a similar one is on ELL? And why would we want to close a question on ELL because there is a similar one on EL&U? ...
Araucaria - Not here any more.'s user avatar
2 votes

Handle duplicate questions from English stackexchange

We don't need the ability to close questions as duplicates cross-site. And as long as the questions aren't deliberate cross posts (i.e. the exact verbatim same post on more than one site), then ...
Laurel's user avatar
  • 15.8k
1 vote

Can I post the same answer on a duplicate question?

No, you may not post duplicate answers according to the FAQ Is it acceptable to add a duplicate answer to several questions?, regardless of your motivation for doing so. The acceptableness of this ...
ColleenV's user avatar
  • 12k

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