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19 votes

Should accepted answers appear first, just above the highest scored answer? Or should answers appear only in order of score?

The accepted answer should appear on top (this is the status quo). Possible reasons for this: We have the opposite problem to Stack Overflow. Answers on SO often get thousands of views and votes by ...
15 votes

Should accepted answers appear first, just above the highest scored answer? Or should answers appear only in order of score?

Answers should appear only in order of score (this is the new behavior on Stack Overflow). Possible reasons for this: The community as a whole may often be better suited to determine what the best ...
15 votes

Should the "correct" answer with mistake be accepted?

From the Help Center: Accepting an answer is not meant to be a definitive and final statement indicating that the question has now been answered perfectly. It simply means that the author received ...
Mick's user avatar
  • 6,526
10 votes

If there is more than one right answer can I summarize the answers?

The As a learner, how do I choose which answer to accept? discussion might help a little. If you truly can't decide among all the answers which one helped you the most, you don't have to accept one at ...
ColleenV's user avatar
  • 12k
9 votes

As a learner, how do I choose which answer to accept?

The How does accepting an answer work? post on Meta says "The bottom line is that you should accept the answer that you found to be the most helpful to you, personally." That doesn't mean the most ...
ColleenV's user avatar
  • 12k
8 votes

Why does not everyone accept an answer?

Community members who ask questions and then do not accept an answer are a very, very frequent topic of conversation (i.e. complaints) across all Stacks, going back a long time, with solutions ...
choster's user avatar
  • 17.8k
6 votes

Should accepted answers appear first, just above the highest scored answer? Or should answers appear only in order of score?

No matter which way we do it, there will be potential problems and pitfalls. When a mediocre answer gets hastily accepted, and better answers come along later on, it's nice to see that mediocre answer ...
J.R.'s user avatar
  • 110k
5 votes

Should accepted answers appear first, just above the highest scored answer? Or should answers appear only in order of score?

There are several advantages and disadvantages to pinning the accepted answer at the top and until recently I was undecided. Contrary to many users who fervently sustain that an incorrect or low ...
Mari-Lou A's user avatar
  • 28.3k
5 votes

No votes means not trustable?

When an answer has net upvotes, some users have expressed the view that it is a good answer. That presumably means that those users consider it trustable. But I have seen blatantly wrong answers ...
David Siegel's user avatar
  • 41.3k
4 votes

As a learner, how do I choose which answer to accept?

There is no obligation to accept an answer for every question you post. I have posted questions which have attracted two or more answers but chose not to accept any, for various reasons. When an ...
Mari-Lou A's user avatar
  • 28.3k
4 votes

If there is more than one right answer can I summarize the answers?

I think you should leave the question as the question instead of placing an answer in the question box, or pointing to an answer from the question box. The green tick doesn't necessarily specify the ...
Lawrence's user avatar
  • 6,001
3 votes

As a learner, how do I choose which answer to accept?

My opinion is that the whole model is kind of broken, and that accept votes don't belong here at all. The thing is, Stack Overflow was the first Stack Exchange site, and it works the way that's ...
Dawood ibn Kareem's user avatar
2 votes

Why can't we accept our own answers within 2 days?

Users are less inclined to write an answer for a question which already has an accepted answer. Allowing immediate acceptance of self-answers would decrease the chance of getting a better answer, ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 14.8k
2 votes

No votes means not trustable?

I think no votes can often mean that an adjacent similar answer got the votes, perhaps because it is fuller (or, sometimes, just wordier). The answer with no votes has got one now!
Michael Harvey's user avatar
1 vote

No votes means not trustable?

The number of votes (up or down) that any answer or question gets is inextricably linked to the number of views that the question gets. If hardly anybody looks at a question, it simply cannot get many ...
Astralbee's user avatar
  • 108k
1 vote

Should accepted answers appear first, just above the highest scored answer? Or should answers appear only in order of score?

I urge readers to vote to pin the accepted answer at the top of the page. This feature does a lot of silent good work whilst the very few annoying instances where an OP picks a (seemingly) obviously ...
Araucaria - Not here any more.'s user avatar

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible