We get a lot of great questions and a lot of great answers on ELL, and I'm super happy with that. But one thing I've been noticing a lot recently is we have a tendency to post answers to questions which are very obviously off-topic (ie. have a custom close reason which clearly applies). The questions do end up getting closed, often by the community without moderator intervention (which is awesome, by the way! I love seeing that. Go community!) But they're getting answers before the closing.
This encourages people to post more off-topic questions; if I post a block of proofreading text as a question and it gets closed without an answer because it's OT, chances are I won't try that again. If I post a block of proofreading text, get an answer, and then it's closed... Well that worked out for me. What do I care if it was closed after? I got the answer I wanted, didn't I?
So by answering clearly off-topic questions (mostly in the categories of "proofreading" and "clearly answerable by a dictionary") we waste time on answers that aren't really useful, and we encourage users to return with OT question instead of improving their question to make it on-topic (which would be a great positive contribution to the site!). So if you think you can edit the question to be on-topic, please do. If you think the OP could edit to make it on-topic, leave a comment with your close vote. But please don't answer if the question is in a state where it's off-topic. This just encourages bad question-asking.
What say you, Oh Great Community? :)