Daily a lot of users visit ELL, see the posts, post questions, take help- and just that they are gone. This is not what StackExchange is meant for. The StackExchange model aims for creating a knowledge base of quality questions and quality answers to them so that visitors find them helpful in their daily life. The StackExchange model has become very popular on the Internet because of its structure. And one important aspect of its structure is using the voting system.
Two most important roles of voting are:
1) It helps a user determine whether his question was of quality or not / within the scope of the site or not. Also it motivates them to ask quality questions and research a bit before asking here.
2) It helps the asker to determine among many answers which one is the best suited for his question along with making the answerer motivated to put his thought into work by gaining reps.
If we want our site to be graduated soon, we must upvote and downvote regularly and continuously. There are 40 votes allocated for each of you daily. Use them wisely. Upvote the useful contents and downvote the unnecessary contents.
The users who use the site most, should bear the maximum responsibility. It is your call of duty; respond to it!(1)
(1): This is just a personal thought. No user is aimed directly or indirectly.