I was poking around with the users list today, and I realized something. If ELL graduated tomorrow, we would have:
- One user with 20k privileges
- Two users with 10k privileges
- Four moderators
That's a total of seven users with high-level moderation privileges. And that's really not enough. We're doing just fine now; we're in beta, and privilege levels are lower. And I think we have a great community and are making great progress, and it's not like graduation is coming up in the super-near future. But it's out there, and it's a goal we eventually want to reach. And to that end, we need more high-rep users.
Getting new users to join ELL is also important, and we've had meta discussions about that before. But although new users with new questions and answers are great, what I'm interested in discussing is how we can encourage and motivate current users to be more active and reach those higher rep thresholds.
Another interesting metric: if we graduated tomorrow, we'd have 16 users with 3k+ rep (and therefore access to all review queues) and only 6 more users with 2k+ rep (and therefore access to all but the close/reopen votes review queues). We are building a great community with great questions and answers, but we're still a bit light on users who could contribute to moderation on a graduated site.
So... As I said, this isn't really an urgent issue; I don't imagine we're graduating any time soon (though I can't read SE's mind, either!). But I do know that this is something we're going to have to work on before we can graduate, and so it's worth discussing now. Does anyone have any thoughts on how we can get our existing (awesome!) userbase to participate more?