I flagged a question that I discovered was left open by a moderator in the review queue. Whenever a moderator casts a vote in the review queue, it is binding and the question is automatically removed from the review queue.
What happens when a moderator clicks 'leave open' in the close-vote queue? (Meta Stack Exchange)
This was my flag message:
Why was this question left open? The incentive to add a source and to check the transcription from the OP disappears when their question enjoys immunity. – Mari-Lou A 15 hours ago
When a question gets closed for lack of detail or research, the OP is motivated to improve their post. Improving that question was easy: add the source and check that the quotation was accurately transcribed. This was the moderator's reply
declined - 2 close votes so far and three more to go. This is not a question that should be mod-closed.
If it's true that the question should not be unilaterally closed by a mod, why vote to leave it open, effectively preventing other users from expressing their judgement?
The moderator sustains that the question didn't need any clarification, any improvement, that it was fine as it was? I don't get it.
P.S. Before voting to close, I left a comment beneath the OP's question explaining that one of the quotes cited seemed weird and ungrammatical in British English. The OP has still not replied nor edited their post since then. It is, in my opinion, an on-topic but very low quality question.