This question How should I ask a polite question to my manager? is considered on-topic and was answered. It asks "Do you think there is a better way to say that?" There is no reference to any specific problem or issue that the OP wishes to understand. As it is, I would say it is a proofreading question or at least too localized.
However, this question Please check grammar in short message for me! , while not written in the best manner and could use a better title, but it at least asks "Please check some mistakes in the grammar for me." As discussed before, language learners will have varying skill levels and this should be taken into consideration.
Already, this question was closed in 4 hours.
I think the OP has valid concerns regarding the grammar used, but may not know what they are or how to correct them. At least to point them out in general, then let the OP ask follow-up questions, would be OK.
Anyway I would appreciate it if someone could explain to me why one was OK but not the other.