I definitely agree that this is something to be addressed; thanks for bringing it up! I've noticed it as well but been hesitant to edit, because then I have the quandary: do I edit the question text now as well?
On any other site I would say absolutely yes, and do so. But on ELL I'm not so sure. We want our question titles to be easily searchable and grammatically correct with proper spelling. But in the question itself, sometimes the mistakes the learner makes can help us understand their problem. (Plus we might inadvertently change the question so that the OP doesn't quite understand it anymore, which isn't a good thing!)
So I'm then left with the quandary: edit just the title (and leave question text alone when it could be improved), or edit the whole post (and possibly remove mistakes that would help answerers see the source of the problem, or confuse the OP)? And I can never decide, so I haven't been editing titles very often. I think the short answer to your question is that we all need to band together and start fixing these question titles. But I also think we need to discuss what to do about the actual content of the question, because I'm really not sure which side of that fence I fall on. I think there are pros and cons to both approaches, and that we need to come at the issue from a different angle on an English Language Learners site. What works for one SE site does not always work for all, after all!