I have compiled a list of tags and our possible future decisions about them, which may be subject to change. The primary objective is to decide the fate of tags tagged with "maybe".
Among those tags are present-perfect, past-perfect, past-simple, present-continuous, present-progressive (Obviously, one of these two should go), present-simple, past-continuous, future-perfect, future-progressive, and present-perfect-cont, order by the number of questions tagged.
Do we want these tags, considering the fact that we already have present-tense, past-tense, perfect-aspect, progressive-aspect and well, a future-tense?
On one hand, English really has only two tenses, and the latter set of tags more closely resembles the linguistic distinction between tense and grammatical aspect. On the other hand, a great proportion of learners are only familiar with the former set, and repeatedly utter things like "the present perfect continuous tense".