I agree with the spirit of J.R.'s answer, but no, I don't think we should open a free-for-all migration path from ELU to ELL. I absolutely agree with ColleenV's first sentence:
I don't think any of us would object to taking questions that are looking for less "linguistic" answers off of EL&U's hands, so long as we aren't just taking them to close them.
Absolutely correct... But I only want them coming from ELU moderators, and the reason why can be most easily summed up with the words "SO -> Programmers migrations". We know what's on topic on ELL. ELU mods work with us to know what's on topic. Most of our users who are involved in meta know what's on topic.
ELU users don't necessarily know what is or isn't on topic here, and even if the meta-interacting section of the ELU population did, that doesn't mean that everyone with 3k rep is qualified to determine what should and shouldn't be migrated here. As I said on the meta post regarding this topic on ELU:
I get that the request for an ELU->ELL migration path has come up in the past, an gotten support on your end, I'm not sure it's the best for our (or either) community. Our users have already pretty summarily rejected the reverse ELL->ELU path. Personally I think the same logic applies to paths in both directions... And I am pretty much positive that we would have a repeat of SO->Programmers if an ELU->ELL path opened up.
Do the mods have time to handle questions ELU mods migrate to ELL, and ELL->ELU migrations? Absolutely. Do we have time to reject all the questions that shouldn't be migrated that people will then migrate, and have our users waste time answering them? No.
Another litmus test: I'd love to ask the ELU mods how many flags they get for migration to ELL that are not valid flags. And that's knowing it'll have to be mod-approved...
So, while I understand the spirit behind the request, I think it would just end up with frustration on all sides and more work for both mod teams. The questions you want to have migrated to ELL are already being migrated by the mod team. The ones you don't, still won't.
I really believe it's that simple. If it a'int broke, don't fix it. When the mod teams become overwhelmed with the daily number of accurate migration flags, we'll talk. Until then... This will cause more problems than it will solve, I think.