It's been discussed that the proofreading close reason is overused:
As part of my answer, I recommended that we consider rephrasing the "Proofreading" close reason so that it's less likely to be used on questions that are not proofreading.
Here's the current text:
Proofreading questions are off-topic unless a specific source of concern in the text is clearly identified. See: Alternative websites for proofreading
(This text seems to have been taken directly from the ELU close reason)
I think the main piece of concern here is the statement
unless a specific source of concern in the text is clearly identified
This leads to questions phrased as "Of the two options X and Y which is correct?" being closed as proofreading, despite them being more appropriately closed as "Needs more details", if anything.
How can we rephrase the Proofreading close reason to avoid this ambiguity and reduce the likelihood that the proofreading close reason will be used on questions that are not proofreading.