I was browsing through tags, and I noticed that it was very messy. Lot's of tags that are off-topic, lot's of tags that could be easily merged, and lot's of tags that don't make sense. Here is a list of most (but not all) the tags that seem off to me:
seinfeld I don't think this has anything to do with English. You could say a question that came from someone's confusion with the show is on-topic (and you're right) but do we need a tag for this? Also, only one user has tagged any question with "Seinfeld". Should we add a the-simpsons tag also?
french Isn't this site about English?
cooking is "English words about cooking" useful enough to warrant it's own tag? So far, there are only two questions tagged with "cooking", I don't think it will be missed.
untagged Haha, isn't this one a little bit self-contradictory? Kind of like "This page is intentionally left blank"?
Single word tags
Tags that don't make sense
Neither of these tags make any sense to me. as-like false-title (both with 2 tags).
Tags that could be merged
Why is terminology (28) a tag, when it could easily be merged with word-choice (931), or maybe word-meaning (539)?
Why is past-simple (18) a tag when it could easily be merged with past-tense (223)?
opposite-words Should be antonyms
present Should be present-tense
sat-exam Should be exam-question
word I don't even know what to do with word. Extremely broad. Every question is on this site is about words in some form or another. Could be word-usage or word-choice
Incorrect/misspelled tags
We should delete grammer and anastrophe
What do you guys think?
I have added seven tags to this list.