The question Is the “the … the …” construction governed by some grammatical rule? has recently been asked on ELL. I don't know whether the OP was aware that effectively the same question (Use of definite article in “the more” and “the less”) was asked on ELU some time ago, but I don't really want to focus on the implications of that anyway.
Personally, I'm inclined to think this particular question involves some fairly obscure issues that shouldn't normally concern the average learner (as I imagine them to be). So my question is: Should it be closed on ELL? (irrespective of the fact that it happens to have been asked on ELU previously).
Because it's early days for ELL, I'd appreciate comments/answers, rather than straight up/downvotes to my question (and by implication, my personal position). But I appreciate that it might be considered inappropriate to even be asking a question like this (should I try to start a chat thread? I don't know). Since I've no way of knowing what any votes against the question itself mean, they won't help me much.