If StackExchange offers no other helpful site, would you please suggest free, online sources of help?
Sadly, I live in an area with barely any native English speakers, and likely no person who has succeeded in these kinds of English reasoning tests. I can't find anyone who can help with my questions, even aside from the fact that my low income doesn't support costly private tutoring.
Yet can my current questions be improved or rephrased to focus on English and logic? Or is the problem the quantity of these questions? What can I do, in return? Sadly, my English is flawed so I generally let skilled Anglophones answer. I've always appreciated invaluable help from ELL, which I hope can be applied to benefit everyone, and not just me, even though my questions may seem localised.
Update: Thank you effusively for the helpful comments so far. I thought to specify that it's recommended to ignore the LSAT., because it differs from the UK LNAT (what I'm trying to prepare for).