Of the three standard reasons offered for closing a question as off-topic, the third one is:
This question should include more details than have been provided here. Please edit to add the research you have done in your efforts to answer the question, or provide more context. See: Details, Please.
I have three objections to that:
- Lack of detail may make it a poor question, and maybe even an unanswerable question that is worthy of closure, but strictly speaking, it doesn't make the question off-topic.
- Rather, such questions should be closed as "unclear what you're asking", or possibly "too broad" or "primarily opinion-based", and those options already exist.
- Beta sites only get three standard off-topic reasons, and we're wasting one slot with this redundancy.
So, what should we replace that close reason with? The Help Center lists many kinds of questions that are off-topic. For example, questions for EL&U, questions for Writers, requests for learning resources, …