So we currently only have one featured question, but we have more than a thousand positively scored questions with one or zero answers. If you have earned enough reputation to access all the privileges you're interested in, why not look for a question that you think could use more detailed answers, clean it up, and offer a modest bounty on it?
Some of these questions with comments but no answers probably could use attention, and we have new active users that would probably welcome the opportunity to earn a big step toward their next site privilege.
You aren't earning any interest on your reputation just letting it sit there, so why not invest it back into the site?
Just to be perfectly clear, I'm proposing that you look for questions that might benefit from a bounty, and not suggesting that we should offer lots of bounties to bootstrap new users. Our experienced users know which questions involve concepts that are common sources of confusion. When we come across those questions and find they may not have been answered in enough detail and don't have time to write a good answer ourselves, I think a bounty can be appropriate.