How much should I trust Wiktionary?
The first thought that came to my mind after watching this question was how can this question be on topic. I was so sure about it being closed that I did not even bother to cast any close vote as this might accelerate the question's being closed without getting any answer at all. But to my surprise, I discovered instead of getting closed, it gained several up-votes. So I made my mind to break my silence and made a comment along with a close vote, to which Hippietrail suggested me to raise a discussion in meta. So here is my post.
Reasons for this question should be closed (as per my opinion)
Not Constructive- This question wants for advices regarding the trustworthiness of a particular site, Wikitionary. To my understanding this question can only give rise to speculations where some people would suggest they found it bogus, some other would find it interesting (like the OP himself) and thus leading to an endless discussion proving this question is not constructive. Wikitionary itself quotes:
Hello, and welcome! Wiktionary is a multilingual free dictionary, being written collaboratively on this website by people from around the world. Entries may be edited by anyone!
So it is nothing other than other similar wiki sites. They can be right, can be wrong, too. In fact, I would rather add there is no need to ask this question in the first place if the prologue (the one I quoted) is seen once at least. So this is purely an individuals decision whether or not he would believe Wikitionary.
Off Topic- This question is purely off topic and obviously out of scope of this site. Focus of this site should be on different issues a learner can face during learning English. Definitely, he can check the problem in Wikitionary. But if it seems to him that Wikitionary might be wrong there, he can simply ask his problem with proper context here.
Whereas this question does not point to a particular problem on Englsih Language and the community is here not to evaluate truestworthiness of a site. Hence it is out of scope of this site.
However I do think this question can be asked in chat or in meta in regards with if it is acceptable to use Wikitionary as reference in any Q/A here.
So dear users, comment or answer on this post so that this can become clear whether this sort of question here will be welcome here in future or not.